Alternativer Identifier:
(KITopen-DOI) 10.5445/IR/1000129217
Verwandter Identifier:
Freese, Jan Philip [Freese, Jan Philip]
Numerical experiments to "Numerical homogenization of time-dependent Maxwell's equations with dispersion effects"
Weitere Titel:
(Abstract) This code has been used for the numerical experiments in the thesis "Numerical homogenization of time-dependent Maxwell's equations with dispersion effects" by Jan Philip Freese, see
(Technical Remarks) # Readme This code was used for the numerical experiments of the PhD thesis "Numerical homogenization of time-dependent Maxwell's equations with dispersion effects" by P. Freese (cf. Section 7.2, Section 7.3) The computations are done in C++ using the Finite Element library deal.II. ## Requirements - In order to run the code you need **deal.II** (release 9.1.1), cf. - For the experiments on the macroscopic level (Section 7.3) you need to compile deal.II using **Trilinos** (version 12.17) and **p4est** (version 2.2), cf. and - To get the full functionality of the scripts a **Bash** shell has to be used and at least **cmake** (version 3.13.0) is needed - For the visualization of the data you need **Matlab** (version R2020a Update 2) and **Paraview** (version 5.8.1-RC1) ## Structure The structure is as follows: - The folder **executables** contains Bash scripts for all figures and tables separately. All figures from Section 7.2 may be computed using the `` at ones. Similarly, the figures from Section 7.3 are computed using the `` script. Moreover, the `` script runs the `deal.II` distclean command in all programs. - The folder **matlab_plot_files** contains Matlab scripts for the convergence plots and related tables - The folder **paraview_plot_files** contains Paraview states to generate the solution plots - In **programs** the actual source code is stored within three different programs that are - **hmm_for_Maxwell_conductivity_memory_variable:** Code that applies the Heterogeneous Multiscale Method combined with the memory variable technique as explained in Section 6.2.3 - **hmm_for_Maxwell_conductivity_recursive_convolution:** Code that applies the Heterogeneous Multiscale Method combined with the recursive convolution technique as explained in Section 6.2.2 - **microproblem_conductivity:** Code that solves the microscopic cell problems - In **results** the results of the computations are stored according to the sub structure of the **programs** folder ## Howto In order to run the program, open a terminal session in the folder **executables** and run one of the Bash scripts providing at least the additional argument: - **Number of kernels (-n)**: One should usually use one job for each processor core on the machine Use a command like ```bash bash figure*.sh -n number_of_kernels ``` It may be mandatory to provide the location of your deal.II installation as well. This is done by providing another argument: - **Path to deal (-D)**: Path to the deal.II installation Use a command like ```bash bash figure*.sh -n number_of_kernels -D path_to_deal ``` If you can not execute the Bash scripts, you have to build the program and copy/edit the config/source files yourself. Still, the necessary information is found in the bash scripts, so just use a text editor to open those files and execute the steps by hand. ### Example If you unpack this code within the **examples** folder of **deal.II** you can simply use the following example code to run the Bash script (generating data for Figure 7.2 and Table 7.1 with 4 kernels) ```bash bash -n 4 -D ../../../../ ``` ## Visualization ### Matlab The Matlab scripts are used to generate the plots and tables. The tables are directly prompted to the Matlab output. ### Paraview To load the state files in Paraview, select `File->Load State...`. Select the respective `.pvsm` file of the figure you want to plot. As `Load State Data File Options` choose `Search files under specified directory` and select the `results` folder. Paraview should find the files itself. ## Remarks - The scripts `` and `` save reference solutions that are used to compute the errors between different levels of refinement. These solutions are stored in `programs/hmm_for_Maxwell_conductivity_recursive_convolution/data/`. If you want to run these scripts a second time you either have to delete the solutions (and compute the solutions again) or you have to set the `Output.Reference_Solution` flag in the respective config file in `programs/hmm_for_Maxwell_conductivity_recursive_convolution/config_files/` to false (which makes the computation even faster). - Be aware that, depending on your computer, the computations may take several hours or days.
Maxwell equations
Sobolev equation
heterogeneous multiscale method
recursive convolution
memory variable
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Freese, Jan Philip
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